Saturday, 2 April 2016

Job vacancy in Central Coalfields Limited last date 30th April-2016

Central Coalfields Limited (CCL)
(A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited)
A Miniratna Company, Darbhanga House, Ranchi (Jharkhand)
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Central Coalfields Limited, a Mini Ratna Company in energy sector of the country, invites application for filling of the vacancies of following posts  :
  1. Advertisement No.  CCL/Recruitment/Adv/032016/02
    1. Assistant Revenue Inspector : 14 posts
    2. Overseer (Civil) : 33 posts
    3. EP Electrification (Excavation) / Tech. : 64 posts  
  2. Advertisement No.  CCL/Recruitment/Adv/032016/03
    1. Staff Nurse : 39 posts
    2. Technician (Radiographer) Trainee : 01 post
    3. Pharmacist (Trainee) : 04 posts 
    4. Technician (Pathological) Trainee : 01 post
    5. Technician (Dental) Trainee : 01 post
  3. Advertisement No.  CCL/Recruitment/Adv/032016/04
    1. Junior Overman : 148 posts
    2. Mining Sirdar : 349 posts
    3. Deputy Surveyor : 40 posts
    4. Assistant Foreman (Electrical) : 143 posts 
    5. Electrician (Non Excv.) / Technician : 198 posts
Relaxation in  age to reserved category as per rules.

How to Apply : Apply /online at CCL website from 30/03/2016 to 30/04/2016 only. Take print out and send it through Registered Post/ Speed Post only up to 16/05/2016. 

Kindly visit for further information and online Application form format. Kindly click on the The link 'View Advertisement' to see all the advertisement in single file, please read till bottom. 



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