A DSP rank officer, G.R. Radhika, has become the first ever officer of the Andhra Pradesh Police to have scaled a mountain peak as high as Golep Kangri — 5,980 metres — in the Zanskar range of Western Himalayas near the Karakoram range. The 38-year-old mother of two achieved the feat on 20th September evening. She is on deputation to ADG (sports) Rajiv Trivedi, and scaled the peak as a finale to the advanced course on mountaineering she had qualified for. She credits her husband and mother for her success who, she said, took care of her two sons in her absence.
“I feel extremely proud of my achievement but this could not have been possible without encouragement and support from ADG (sports) Rajiv sir, ADG (Training) Surendra Babu sir and my family,” Radhika told Express over phone from her base camp in Leh. Currently posted at the Police Training College, Karimnagar, she is expected to return on Sept 26. For Radhika, who has always been interested in outdoor sports and adventures, life took an adventurous turn during a pilgrimage to Kailash Manasasarovar last year.
“I feel extremely proud of my achievement but this could not have been possible without encouragement and support from ADG (sports) Rajiv sir, ADG (Training) Surendra Babu sir and my family,” Radhika told Express over phone from her base camp in Leh. Currently posted at the Police Training College, Karimnagar, she is expected to return on Sept 26. For Radhika, who has always been interested in outdoor sports and adventures, life took an adventurous turn during a pilgrimage to Kailash Manasasarovar last year.
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